American Precoat offers unique polyurethane solutions for paper and metal filters designed for the transport and genset industry, we offer hybrid solutions for best-in-class mechanical properties, ease of processing on low-pressure pouring machines, long storage, and service life.
Customized Solution to match every requirement Specialized polyurethane solutions for paper and metal body air filter applications with low permanent set and excellent performance throughout service life.
Salient Features–
Wide density and hardness range 220 ~ 450 kg/m3 & 20 -50 shore A
Exceptional sealing properties & good adhesion with paper, polymer, and metal housing.
Long service life owing to low permanent set properties
Perform over a wide range of temperature
Economical processing on low-pressure PU dispensing equipment at a moderate temperature range of 25 – 40℃
No post-cure treatment is required
No limitations to mold shape and size
Good resistance to gasoline and other hydrocarbons