Innovation - The Future

  • Has developed multi-functional, flexible and technologically advanced facilities.
  • Has a strong orientation to meet customer needs.
  • Offers a wide range of products covering many applications from Food & Beverage to Bio diesel catalysts
  • Operates in all world markets with an extra ordinary capacity for flexibility, derived from its long standing collaboration with industry leading customers.
  • Future is full of exceptional promises to create environment friendly products for our customers all over.

  • Together, American Precoat’s essential elements of mission, vision, values and strategy describe why we are here, who we are, what we intend to do and how we intend to do it. These essential elements provide insight, offer motivation and lead us forward as we seek to grow and achieve our goals.


    To constantly improve and provide solutions which meet human needs


    Integrity and respect for people


    To be the most respected and profitable company in the speciality chemical domain in india

    Corporate Strategy

    Setting new standards in sustainability drive financial discipline and low cost to serve

    OUR VALUABLE "Brand Association"