Declaration Of Human Rights
As a global chemical company that looks forward to a prosperous future, led by the trust of our stakeholders. American Precoat aims to realize its social responsibilities and ensure sustainable growth. American Precoat hereby declares that we will support international standards with respect to human rights, including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Ruggie Framework) endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council, and fulfill our responsibilities in relation to them. American Precoat hereby publicly announces that we will do our utmost to prevent any possible. human rights infringements from occurring in the course of management, and we will respect and protect the human rights and free will of all our stakeholders, including customers, employees, local communities, and business partners, as mentioned below.
Human Rights of Employees
- Prevention of unfair discrimination based on gender, race, religion, disability, and regionalism, etc.
- Prevention of unjust labor practices, such as child and forced labor, on a fundamental level.
- Compliance with all principles regarding labor-safety and healthy and working hours-recommended by the International Labor Organization and ratified by each country.
Human Rights of Customers
- Demand for personal information kept to the minimum, recorded and saved in compliance with laws.
- Optimal security system to prevent information leaks, including data encryption.
- Limited and responsible use of personal information for service/marketing purposes.
Human Rights of Local Communities
- Identify our social responsibilities and actively take part in social contribution activities to promote local development,
- Consider and manage the impact of activities that might cause environmental and social issues.
- Establish fair and equitable business relationships with partners for coexistence.
- Prevent forced/child labor as well as discrimination against members of business partners.
American Precoat will fully execute our human rights policy to be followed by subsidiaries and partners as a responsible corporate citizen in the global business. environment and will apply maximum efforts to stabilize and disseminate human rights management.
Thank you
OUR VALUABLE "Brand Association"