Why reporting topics are important
Customers are consumers who directly handle a company’s products, and therefore successful business. performance flows from customer trust. In this spirit, American Precoat recognizes the importance of realizing customer satisfaction. Thus we strive to Listen to the voices of customers and provide the best products that meet their needs. We operate various communication channels to create value by collecting opinions from customers, strengthening our technological capabilities, and leading the way in delivering high-quality products. In addition, we continue to improve our products and services by considering the safety and health of our customers as the top priority. We also continually update our information security system and protect our customers’ valuable private information.

Scope of influence of reporting subject
American Precoat conducts customer satisfaction management for our domestic and overseas customers. Based on such product quality improvements, we operate various strategies and processes to enhance customer satisfaction.
Future direction on the subject of a report
To improve customer contact points, American Precoat established a multi-channel system to improve its website, introduce products through social media such as YouTube, and collect customer complaints, integrate the technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution to provide sales and logistics customer management based on big data, aiming to increase customer values.
Customer Satisfaction Enhancement
American Precoat conducts annual customer satisfaction surveys for domestic customers who purchase our products and gathers specific opinions and feedback on the entire production process, including the quality of raw materials, packaging, delivery, and follow-up management These collected opinions are delivered to the relevant
departments so they can be incorporated into the product quality improvement process in the future. All these efforts positively contributed to steadily improving results in customer satisfaction surveys, and, in 2022, we achieved 98.6 points.
Customer Satisfaction Management
American Precoat considers the realization of customer value as the top priority and thus provides products and services that meet customer needs while actively performing customer satisfaction activities
VOC Process
American Precoat operates a dedicated customer support organization to establish a systematic VOC handling procedure that records and manages the entire process of resolving customer complaints from the moment a complaint is registered. The opinions collected by this process are discussed at regular quality meetings, so the relevant departments can promptly resolve complaints and create action plans to prevent the issue from reoccurring.
Customer Satisfaction Activities
American Precoat pursues customer value realization in various ways including providing support to customers and corporate clients, strengthening customer communication channels, and enhancing brand image We will listen to our customers’ voices and create new value to draw and develop customer trust.
OUR VALUABLE "Brand Association"